Friday, December 30, 2011

NYT: The Japanese Embassy Arrives in San Francisco from Honolulu

New York Times: April 16, 1860. Page 5.

Eleven Days from San Francisco to New York
Arrival and Reception of the Japanese Ambassadors
ST. JOSEPH, MO., Saturday, April 14.

The first messenger on the Central Overland Pony Express arrived here at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, with California dates to April 3, and Carson Valley dates to the 4th.

This messenger came through in ten days to a minute, his having left San Francisco at 4P.M. on April 2.

Owing to the derangement of the wires between there and St. Louis, the reports were delayed until this morning.

Under the date of April 3, we receive the following news from San Francisco:

The United States steamer Powhatan, Capt. PEARSON, bearing the flag of Commodore TATNALL, arrived on the 27th of March from Japan, via Honolulu. She brings the Japanese embassy, consisting of two principle Ambassadors, Princes of the highest rank among the nobility of the empire, and two associates, who are nobles of nearly equal rank. These four are of the Emperor’s Council. They are accompanied by a suite of sixteen officers. Among them are three interpreters and fifty-two subordinates-making seventy-two in all.

The Powhatan arrived at Honolulu March 5th, and remained there till the 18th. The Ambassadors were there received with all formal honors. Private hospitalities were extended on every hand, and the King and Queen held court at the palace for the reception of the distinguished foreigners, and welcomed them in appropriate terms. They were also entertained at a grand ball given by the officers of the Powhatan, expressing great delight at the gay and novel scene.

They bring $100,000 to defray their personal expenses, although the Embassy is invited at the sole expense of the United States. They were given the best quarters on board the Powhatan during the voyage, and arrived in good health and highly pleased.

The chief dignitaries are magnificently dressed in embroidered silk robes, each wearing a sword of beautiful workmanship. They have conducted themselves with great dignity and propriety.

The Japanese Ambassadors visited San Francisco on the 31st ult., and have remained the honored guests of the city ever since. Twenty thousand dollars has been appropriated from the city treasury to provide for them suitable entertainment. All the corporation officers, the members of the Legislature, the Governor, and citizens generally, have paid their respects in person, and on the 2s inst a grand public reception was given the strangers at the largest hall in the city, where the United States officers, both civil and military, with the foreign Consuls and State authorities, participated in the reception ceremonies.

The Japanese carry an immense amount of baggage, including many boxes of presents to the United States Government.

The Powhatan, on the day of her arrival, went to Mare Island Navy Yard, all the Ambassadors remaining on board. It will require several days to overhaul the steamer and take in coal, when she will sail for Panama. The Ambassadors will thence proceed to Aspinwall, where the United States steamer Roanoke is expected to be waiting to convey them to Washington.

They are so well pleased with the Powhatan that they express their wish to have her detained at Panama to convey them back to Japan on their return from the United States. They purpose spending about a month on the Atlantic side, although their time is not limited.

The Board of Supervisors sent a memorial up to the Legislature to-day, asking an appropriation of $20,000 to be expended in entertaining the Japanese embassy.

The attaches of the Powhatan are ordered on board on the 5th inst., and the steamer is expected to sail for Panama with the Commissioners about that time.

The Powhatan arrived up from Mare Island to-day, and a great military demonstration was taking place when the messenger left.
The Japanese steam-corvette Candinamurrah has been in the dry dock at Mare Island Navy Yard, and been put in complete order free of charge, Commodore Cunningham explaining that while he had no actual authority to render this accommodation, he felt sure he was but carrying out the intentions of his Government in doing for the Japanese steamer all that he could do for an American man-of-war.

*A few lines later the article continues with the following:
Wm. B. Garrison and others are negotiating for a line of propellers to Japan. Mr. Garrison goes East in July.

The Rover, from Japan, brings 2,700 tubs of rapeseed oil, 300 bundles seaweed, 200 bundles cuttle fish, 1,300 pieces of plank, and a miscellaneous cargo of Japanese products.