Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The Polynesian: March 2, 1861, 2nd page:


It having been duly represented to her Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan, that the Japanese Government denies the right of any foreigner, not a subject of a Treaty Power, landing in Japan (with the exception of such Chinese as take up their residence at Nagasaki under the jurisdiction of the native authorities by the virtue of ancient privileges.) The undersigned is instructed publicly to notify for the information of all concerned, that any such shipmaster giving passage to such foreigners, will be compelled to take them away again; and any attempt to land them will subject him to further penalties for breach of treaty. G. HOWARD VYSE,
H.B.M.’S Consul Kanagawa
British Consulate, Kanagawa, 20th June, 1860.

It will be remembered that, in the Polynesian of March last, was published a dispatch in which by order of the King, the Minister invited the Japanese Ambassadors to form a treaty with this Kingdom, similar, in all respects, to that formed with the United States; and that their Excellencies declined, on the ground of having no powers from the Tycoon to negotiate a treaty with this Kingdom; also that, while acknowledging the reply to that effect, the Minister requested them, on their return to Jeddo, to make known to his Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the wishes of his Sovereign in regard to such a treaty, as they had promised to do.
We are authorized to state further that by order of his Majesty, the Minister wrote to the Honorable Lewis Cass, requesting the friendly influence of the President of the United States, to obtain a treaty with Japan for this Kingdom, such as that which was about to be ratified with the United States, and that a very courteous reply was received, expressing the friendly interest of the President in that object.

Thus it will be seen that if the merchants residing in this Kingdom be subjected to any loss or inconvenience, under the foregoing notification, it has not been owing to any want of political foresight of his Majesty, whose policy is to encourage, extend and protect the commercial relations of his Kingdom, with all nations, by every proper and possible means.