Thursday, December 23, 2010

Visit of the British Deputation to Admiral Tatnall

Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser: March 22, 1860, second page col. 4:

On Friday forenoon, at 11 o’clock, a deputation of Bristish-born residents in Honolulu, consisting of W. L. Green, H.B.M. Acting Consul General and Commissioner, John Montgomery, Esq., Godfrey Rhodes, Esq., and Dr. R. McKibbin, Jr., waited upon Admiral Tatnall, on board the U.S. steamer Powhatan, to convey to him their High esteem and admiration of his gallantry and humanity toward their countrymen in the disastrous affair of the Peiho last summer, and as a respectful testimonial of their acknowledgement, to invite him and the officers of the Powhatan to a ball on Monday evening next, or such other time as would suit the convenience of the Admiral.

The deputation was courteously received by the Admiral, who expressed himself deeply moved by this mark of respect and honor from the British residents in Honolulu, but he regretted that his arrangements for leaving this port, this day or tomorrow had been completed, so as to preclude the possibility of his accepting the honor of the ball proposed to be given.

We notice with pleasure this step of the British residents of Honolulu. In honoring a gentleman like Admiral Tatnall, they honor themselves, the country and the civilization to which they belong. And we predict that this is but the first of a series of ovations yet in store for the gallant Admiral Tatnall and his officers. –Polynesian, 17th.

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