Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New York Times: Candinamarrah (Kanrin Maru) Arrives in San Francisco

New York Times: April 10, 1860:
Departure of the Japanese Embassy
A Japanese Man-of-War at San Francisco
Interesting from California, Oregon, British Columbia and the Sandwich Islands
Springfield, MO., Saturday, April 7

The Overland mail coach, with regular San Francisco dates to March 19, arrived here last night.
San Francisco, Monday, March 19 -12M.

The Japanese steam corvette Candinamarrah arrived here on Saturday, the 14th, forty days from Jeddo. The vessel is of 250 tons burden, has a crew of fifty-seven men, carried ten guns, and was built three years ago for the Emperor of Japan, at a cost of $70,000. She is sent here by the Emperor to announce that the Japanese Embassy would leave Kanagawa by the United States Steamer Powhatan on the 11th of February, via the Sandwich Islands and San Francisco. 

The object of the Emperor in sending a vessel to announce the coming of the Ambassadors is to manifest in this manner his high estimation of the American Government. No other armed vessel belonging to that nation has been permitted to leave its shores.

The Candinamarrah brings the officers and a portion of the crew of the United States schooner, Fenimore Cooper, recently wrecked; and at the request of the Emperor, Lieut. John N. Brooks, U.S.N., volunteered to assist the Japanese officers in making the voyage over the, to them, untried ocean.

The Chief Admiral of the Imperial Japanese navy comes by this vessel. She will remain here until the Powhatan arrives, and then return at once to Jeddo, to report the arrival of the Ambassadors and suite thus far on their journey.

The people of San Francisco are delighted at this manifestation of good feeling on the part of the Japanese government, and will do everything possible to entertain their visitors, hoping thereby to stimulate the lucrative trade which has already commence between this country and the Empire of Japan.

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