The Rev. Mr. Goble: The Friend: March 1, 1860
When the Japan Expedition, under Commodore Perry, was returning to the United States, it touched at Honolulu in 1855. By the Rev. G. Jones, Chaplain of the steamer Mississippi, we were introduced to a marine by the name of Goble. He represented himself as interested in the religious welfare of the Japanese, and assured us that it was his intention to visit his native country, and return to Japan as a missionary.
We were interested in the young man, but readily confess we were not very sanguine in our expectations that he would carry his good intentions into execution.
Time has passed away, and sure enough the U.S. marine, Goble, has thus far carried out his benevolent plan of life. He has returned to Honolulu, and is now en route for Japan, expecting to sail in the Zoe. During the period of his late residence in the United States, he has been diligently studying and otherwise preparing himself for his future mission at Madison University, Hamilton, New York. He was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel by an Association of Ministers in the City of New York, Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd, 1859. Introductory service, Rev. J. Dowling, D.D.; Ordaining Prayer, Rev. W.S. Hall; Right Hand of Fellowship, Rev. H.G. Weston, D.D.; Charge to the Candidate, Rev. T. Armitage, D.D.; Address of Designation, Rev. N. Brown, D.D.
The Rev. Mr. Goble has been sent forth under the patronage of the ‘American Baptist Free Mission Society.’ It affords the friends of missions in Honolulu much pleasure to form the acquaintance of this missionary, on his way to a new field of labor, for which he seems peculiarly well fitted.
Already he has visited Japan; and while there, Commodore Perry allowed his extraordinary facilities for going on shore, even more than was enjoyed by the officers of the squadron. He has acquired a tolerable acquaintance with the Japanese language, so that he can both read and write the same, and also converse in it. He has acquired this knowledge from books, and intercourse with Samuel Setharo, the Japanese who resided with Mr. Goble during his connection with the University. It is a matter of much thankfulness that this native of Japan has been led to embrace the Christian faith, and is now a member of the Baptist Church.
Most anxiously shall we watch the future operations of this mission to Japan- that great nation of over 40,000,000 of people. The time may come when not only shall Bible prophesy be fulfilled in regard to that people, but when a prediction, found in one of the ancient books of the Japanese, will be verified, which runs as follows”
“The pale faces are coming from the West,
Flying upon the wings of the wind,
Walking upon the tops of the wave,
Bringing to us a new religion,
And revolutionizing our country.”
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